Samento Helps In Some Depressions
Assoc. Prof. Yordan Yordanov ,
M.D., psychiatrist, psychotherapist and psychopharmacologist

I’d like to share with you my observations on 5 patients with depression over the past month. I’m talking about endogenous depressions - moderate to heavy. The dosage was 3 x 200 mg taken with or immediately after meals. Some of these patients were on antidepressants - the well-known Prozac, Ludiomil, Anafranil, etc. 10 to 12 days after adding Samento to the treatment, they reported a bigger mood improvement compared to the time when they had taken only antidepressants; as well as a heightened biotone (liveliness), which is very important in the so-called simple forms of depression.

One of the patients, a 32-year-old artist, reported that by the 10th to 11th day half of the asthenic symptoms, i.e. weakness of the stimuli, languidness, lack of initiative and difficult concentration, disappeared and he started working again.

A student from the Sofia University started using only Samento. Unfortunately she misunderstood the dosage and took just one 200mg capsule daily instead of three. She too observes better concentration and easier learning but not sufficiently.

The third patient, a 43-year-old woman with depression, claims she feels a lot livelier and her associative processes run better. These are the results with respect to the depression patients.

I have been using Samento myself for three weeks now for gastrointestinal complaints. A couple of months ago I had gastroscopy and no ulcer was found. Shortly before starting the supplement, the Helicobacter pylori test I made at the lab of the Lechitel Health Center proved positive. You know that ulcers are mostly being caused by these bacteria.

What were the results from taking 3 x 200 mg of Samento daily? By the 8th to 10th day I felt a lot more energetic. The fatigue typical of the end of the working day - by 7 or 8 pm - disappeared. The gases I suffered from vanished, as well as the heartburn that I previously had to counter with Ranitidin.

I believe this is a novel type of food supplement, having something in common with the nootropic preparations mainly used for treating senile dementia. It is known that lately more and more people are suffering from Alzheimer’s. Samento opens a new opportunity for treating dementias. Why is it that I suspect a nootropic action and recommend to the manufacturer to carry out studies in this direction? After taking it for a week I started feeling quite livelier and found out that the supplement improved associative thinking. When reading difficult foreign language texts, it is easier for me to comprehend them. Judging by my personal results, I see a nootropic action, which was formulated in 1972-1973 by the Belgian pharmacologist Giurgea from the company UCB (Union Chemie Belge). The original hypothesis for nootropic action was later extended and it turned out it influenced other organs and systems in the human body too. But I shall not go into details, I simply recommend conducting such studies to see the brain cell metabolism since it is known that nootropic agents and particularly Pyracetam, the Belgian Nootropil, the Bulgarian Pyramem, as well as the Bulgarian combination drugs Fezam, Orocetam, etc., increase the production of compounds that are an energy source for the nervous system