Peruvian Herb Erases the Pain of IBS
Prescriptions for Healthy Living
Vol. 4, No.3 March 2005

If you have irritable bowel syndrome, you know how painful it is. The diarrhea, bloating, fatigue, and depression are often debilitating. But I’ve got great news for you. A new herb from Peru can end your suffering almost instantly.

That may sound too good to be true. One of my patients thought so – until she tried it.

Eve had tried all the pills. She found it increasingly difficult to cope with the pain and resulting tiredness.

She was taking more and more time off work and was often late, because her worst bouts of diarrhea would strike first thing in the morning. She said she felt washed out every day. Her excuses for taking the odd days off work with this cursed ailment were getting weaker and weaker. Her coworkers had no idea of her periodic, but chronic suffering.

Even her family couldn’t understand what she was going through. They thought she was moody, a complainer. Her husband even called her a hypochondriac. But she knew she was sick.

She spent most weekends in bed, just resting. It was depressing. The pain was unbearable, and the bloating made her look as if she were seven months pregnant.

Eve had been suffering with these digestive problems for over 18 years. She’d been tested for every major bowel disorder and, finally, her doctor diagnosed irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). At last, someone understood that she was not just “too high strung, or too sensitive.”

IBS is a disorder of the intestines that can cause severe abdominal pain. It affects millions of Americans. At least one-third of the population will have it at some time during their life, even if only mildly, and one person in seven is affected badly enough to consult their doctor. Most, like Eve, see several doctors before getting an accurate diagnosis. You see, IBS, is a problem of bowel function rather than structure, so nothing abnormal turns up during examinations.

Although IBS can be very debilitating, it’s not life threatening. Nobody is entirely certain what causes the condition, but research suggests it’s related to dietary habits, stress, GI hypersensitivity, or a hidden infection.

Treatment of IBS presents a challenge to conventional physicians. Every IBS sufferer has a unique combination of symptoms and triggers. Most doctors simply don’t spend enough time with patients to discover which factors may be causing their problems. Instead, standard care for IBS usually includes a variety of dangerous drugs aimed only at reducing symptoms. One such drug, Lotronex, had to be pulled from the market after several people died while taking it.

Not surprisingly, IBS is often diet-related. Many people with IBS have undiagnosed food sensitivities, and identifying and eliminating trigger foods often provide significant relief of symptoms. In addition, most IBS sufferers get too much sugar and not enough fiber in their diet. Sugar helps feed infections, which might explain the relationship of sugar to IBS.

IBS attacks happen when you’re stressed, and regular exercise is the healthiest way to combat stress and anxiety. Exercise can actually improve your brain chemistry, restoring balance and promoting a sense of well-being. Even a few minutes a day can make a huge difference in your health.

What Worked for Eve Could Work for You

I wish Eve had come to see me sooner. Her suffering lasted much longer than it needed to. Fortunately, her misery is over. And it disappeared right after she started taking a Peruvian herbal supplement that’s now becoming popular for its ability to fight Lyme disease.

It’s called Samento. It’s a high-quality form of cat’s claw. It’s superior because it’s free from TOA (tetracyclic oxindole alkaloids). TOA inhibits the active agents of cat’s claw. These active ingredients are called POA (pentacyclic oxindole alkaloids). Cat’s claw with even trace amounts of TOA can reduce POA effectiveness up to 80%. Many of the products available on the market contain significant amounts of TOA, so they’re virtually ineffective.

Samento is thought of as one of the most important botanicals in the rain forest. In Peru, cat’s claw tea is said to have unlimited curative properties. It’s used for the treatment of cancer, arthritis, rheumatism, irregularities of the female cycle, and acne.

While I’ve not used it for these ailments, I’ve seen how effective Samento is at cleansing the entire intestinal tract. It helps patients who are suffering from many different stomach and bowel disorders. These would include: gastritis (inflammation of the stomach), leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, ulcers, parasites, and intestinal flora imbalance.

Why does Samento work on IBS? We’re not totally sure yet, but it’s quite possible IBS is caused by a hidden infection. And Samento has some powerful anti-infection agents. In fact, TOA-free cat’s claw contains considerable quantities of quinovic acid glycosides. Many of the new quinalone antibiotics (such as Cipro) are based on these compounds. But the natural compounds are much safer and have very powerful antimicrobial effects. That could be the reason Samento works so well on IBS.

I’ve seen reversals of IBS using Samento that are nothing less than miraculous.

There are many places you can purchase cat’s claw, but make sure you’re getting the TOA-free product. Here are two sources for Samento: NutriCology (800-545-9960 or – ask for Prima Una de Gato) and Nutramedix (561-745-2917 or – ask for Samento Plus).

Make sure you buy the capsule form, not the liquid. I find it much easier to take and more effective against IBS. You’ll start with three 600 mg capsules of Samento twice a day for 10 days. Then your dose is decreased to a maintenance dose of two 600 mg capsules twice a day. Take Samento on an empty stomach, by itself.

Other Natural Medicines

In addition to taking Samento, I highly recommend you take a high-quality fish oil supplement at dinnertime. Take two 1,000 mg capsules. Make sure your brand provides at least 500 mg of EPA and DHA, the fatty acids is fish oil, per capsule. Fish oils alone can put folks with IBS into complete remission.

I also recommend you take a good pro-biotic supplement to establish strong colonies of beneficial intestinal flora. Choose one that provides acidophilus and bifidobacteria to support both the small and large intestine.

Practical Guidelines for Beating IBS